Tuesday, March 12, 2013

So long for now Ireland

Before our journey, there were many sad farewells. I arrived at Maura's house with mam, dad, Alan, Leanne and Darren to see Maura, Alan, Paul and Sam there with Brian. There were lots of final tears and hugs and laughs before we set off for Dublin airport with Alan.

Then at the airport, there was lots more tears at every queue, the staff must have thought I was being kidnapped. We managed to compose ourselves after some comfort shopping at the Mac counter (me) and a final pint of the black stuff (Brian).

We sat beside a nice young lad from Wexford on the Emirates flight to Dubai. He was emigrating to Australia to find work as a farm contractor. It's sad to think how many flights are leaving Ireland everyday with young people like him and not-so-young people like us leaving poor ol' Ireland and our wonderful family and friends behind :(

After a few little bottles of red, we relaxed into the flight with loads of cool movies and good food.

So the adventure begins...

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